
Learning in Action

Learning without limits. Explore projects that showcase the power of the Reggio Emilia Approach.

– EtonHouse International Pre-School Claymore

Every year at Claymore, we wrap up the school year with our cherished tradition—the 100 Languages Exhibition—a meaningful celebration of children’s learning. The “100 Languages”, a poem written by Loris Malaguzzi, represents the endless possibilities for children to express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas, enabling them to gain new understandings of the world around them, whether through the language of paint, wire, movement, or other creative forms.

This exhibition is an opportunity for the entire school community to come together, where children excitedly showcase their learning to their families, and teachers and parents connect to unpack each child’s unique learning journey. The school is transformed into a vibrant gallery, with children’s work aesthetically displayed in classrooms or shared learning spaces, highlighting the rich inquiry-based learning that has taken place throughout the year.

The meaningful moments of the exhibition don’t end there—after the event, children’s art pieces remain on display throughout the school, continuing to reinforce their sense of ownership and belonging. This tradition not only celebrates the diversity of expression but also strengthens the bond between home and school, creating a lasting impact on everyone involved.

– EtonHouse International Education Group China Early Childhood Education Research Centre (新加坡伊顿国际教育集团中国区学前教育研究中心)

During the two-day training session, participants were invited to immerse themselves in and operate rich materials and tools, this also led them to deeply analyse the Reggio Emilia Approach–explore the relationship between art and pre-school education, reflect on the role of teachers, and rethink how to better support children’s independent thinking and active creation in the future.


– EtonHouse Pre-School Upper Bukit Timah

The ink exhibition celebrates the creativity of our children, where they engage deeply with the essence of ink, exploring its diverse languages and dynamic interactions with various canvases. Guided by their curiosity, children immersed themselves in the rich cultural traditions of ink, from Japanese Suminagashi ink to Chinese Calligraphy ink, using an array of tools to express their unique perspectives. Through this journey of exploration, children weave together narratives, animations and art pieces. As their creations grace our exhibition, they not only shared their stories but also contributed to the funds raised to the EtonHouse Community Fund, embodying the spirit of collaboration and community engagement. 

– EtonHouse Shanghai Qingpu Maies Pre-School (新加坡伊顿上海青浦马雅思幼儿园)

Flour, fruits and vegetables are the most common and mundane ingredients in our lives. However, when our teachers integrate these ordinary ingredients into our teaching activities and carefully create spaces and environments to stimulate children’s exploration, providing rich exploratory tools and materials, we see the “extraordinary in the ordinary”. We will follow our Nursery children’s exploratory experiences, such as “Magical Flour” and “Fruit and Vegetable Trail Creation,” to listen and discover the hundreds of ways in which children express themselves.


– EtonHouse International Pre-School, Chengdu (成都市锦江区易登时代豪庭幼儿园)

The Language of Light Workshop embodies the essence of the Reggio Emilia Approach, particularly in providing a creative learning environment. At Times Residence Pre-School in Chengdu, this special workshop allows children to explore the fascinating changes of light and shadow through observation, feeling, and interaction. We closely follow the guiding principles of the Reggio Emilia Approach, such as nature, environmental protection, interactive experiences, and the integration of culture and art, creating a challenging and inspiring environment for children.


– EtonHouse International Pre-School Claymore, Kindergarten 2

Our K2 children explored technology through maps, construction, renewable energy, measurement, and navigation. This journey aligned with our school inquiry, ‘The Wonder of Technology,’ and embraced each child’s perspective through their “100 Languages.” Using tools such as sewing machines, 3D printers and miniature drones, we engaged in hands-on learning. We expressed our discoveries through drawing, sewing, building, and discussion fostering creativity and innovation.


Reflections on learning. Educators share their insights, experiences, and discoveries from their professional learning journeys.

With a deep curiosity and eagerness to understand the Reggio Emilia philosophy, I embarked on a study group to Reggio Emilia, Italy—a journey that enriched me beyond expectations. This experience was nothing short of extraordinary, it is as if I had discovered a “fountain of knowledge,” with thoughts flowing endlessly like a spring.

Stepping into the open glass architecture of the Loris Malaguzzi International Centre immediately transported me to the dreams of my childhood, igniting boundless imagination and an insatiable desire to explore. The unique clay atelier and workshops held me spellbound—I found myself fully immersed, unable to step away. The remarkable organisation and thoughtful categorisation of an endless array of recycled materials at REMIDA left me in awe, showcasing an unparalleled level of intentionality and creativity.

Each vivid and distinctive case study we encountered was profoundly enlightening, like a sudden moment of clarity that reshaped my perspective. Collaborating with fellow participants—engaging in group discussions, brainstorming sessions, and collective reflections—created a rich tapestry of shared learning and unforgettable memories.

I am deeply grateful to the EtonHouse for this invaluable and inspiring journey to Reggio Emilia. It has illuminated my path, strengthened my confidence in inquiry, and provided a profound opportunity for reflection. This experience has not only deepened my understanding of education but has also reaffirmed my commitment to exploration and growth.

怀揣着对瑞吉欧教育理念的强烈求知欲, 我有幸踏上了意大利瑞吉欧游学之路, 也如愿满载而归,内心丰盈。在瑞吉欧游学的过程中, 有太多可圈可点的体验, 仿若发现了“知识的源泉”一般,思如泉眼。

开放式玻璃建筑的马拉古兹中心, 瞬间将我拉回儿时梦想中的情景, 让人浮想联翩,探索欲爆棚。独具个性的黏土艺术及工作坊, 让我静静沉浸其中, 无法挪动我的脚步。琳琅满目的回收材料, 精准的分类, 合理的布, 让整个REMIDA呈现出让人叹为观止的状态。一个个鲜活而具特色的案例, 让我受到了很大的启发, 犹如醍醐灌顶。大家一起集思广益, 小组分享,头脑风暴, 成就了一段精华的回忆录。

非常感恩伊顿集团馈赠于我们如此宝贵且具有启发性的意大利瑞吉欧游学, 让我们在探索的道路中找到了“灯塔”, 建立了探索的信心, 同时有了一次发人深省的反思。

Reflection by:
Zeng Li 曾丽
Senior Mandarin Teacher
EtonHouse Pre-School Upper Bukit Timah

The 2024 International Study Group to Reggio Emilia was a profound experience that reaffirmed the importance of children’s rights, particularly the “rights to having rights.” This foundational concept underscores the necessity of truly listening to children and recognising their perspectives as valuable contributions to our collective understanding of learning and growth.

One of the most striking aspects of the study was the pedagogical skill involved in observing and listening to children. The ability to document their inquiries and plan the next steps in their learning journey allows for a meaningful and evolving exploration. It is not about directing children but rather co-constructing knowledge alongside them, making learning an organic and interconnected process.

During the atelier session, I was reminded of the sheer intrigue that materials can offer. The focus was not on the final product but rather on the process—the journey of discovery. We engaged deeply with the question: What is the potential of this material? Exploring clay, we questioned stability and verticality, pushing the boundaries of creativity. The material itself became the protagonist, guiding our inquiry and challenging our preconceptions.

Strong facilitation emerged as a key theme—where the power of a well-placed question can spark new pathways of thinking. The seminar reinforced the significance of starting with children’s prior experiences and embracing our role as educators in extending curiosity. Our responsibility is to sustain meaningful conversations, valuing each child’s perspective as an integral part of the learning process.

Reflection by:
Chua Chai Yun
Senior Centre Leader
E-Bridge Pre-School Plantation Crescent


Walking through the schools of Reggio Emilia, I was struck by the seamless connections between classrooms, ateliers, and the Piazza—living pathways of ideas, interactions, and shared experiences. These were not just physical connections but invitations for dialogue, collaboration, and community-building. Although I could not observe the children in action, their presence was deeply felt—traces of their thinking and creativity infused every corner. There was a careful balance between order and lived experiences: materials and resources were purposefully placed, yet the essence of the children—through their works, educators’ documentation, and shared constructions—remained vibrantly visible.

Every structure, artwork, and project reflected the children’s agency, guided by agreements they co-created. A profound sense of responsibility was evident, not just toward their work but also toward their peers. This ethos of collaboration extended across all spaces, with some projects even physically and conceptually crossing borders, weaving different environments into a cohesive tapestry of learning. This experience reaffirmed my belief that learning is not confined to individual spaces, but instead, flourishes in the relationships between people, places, and materials (Ceppi & Zini, 1998). These spaces serve as catalysts for ongoing discovery and deep connection.

Loris Malaguzzi’s words echoed in my mind: “Nothing without joy.” The joy of constructing knowledge together, of shaping spaces filled with meaning, was tangible everywhere. Collaboration extends beyond working alongside one another, it is an act of shared ownership, respect, and the courage to build something greater than oneself (Rinaldi, 2006).

Inspired by this, I envision creating shared projects in my own setting—structures that weave across learning areas, carrying the imprint of many hands and minds. By fostering this interconnectedness, we honour the child as a capable protagonist in their own learning journey (Edwards, Gandini, & Forman, 2012). More than ever, I am committed to designing spaces where children negotiate, problem-solve, and dream together—because, as I witnessed in Reggio Emilia, it is in these border crossings that the most beautiful learning unfolds.

Reflection by:
Chia Xin Er (Rexi)
Class Teacher
EtonHouse Garden School by the Bay



Ceppi, G., & Zini, M. (1998). Children, spaces, relations: Metaproject for an environment for young children. Reggio Children.

Edwards, C., Gandini, L., & Forman, G. (2012). The hundred languages of children: The Reggio Emilia experience in transformation (3rd ed.). Praeger.

Malaguzzi, L. (1998). History, ideas, and basic philosophy. In C. Edwards, L. Gandini, & G. Forman (Eds.), The hundred languages of children: The Reggio Emilia approach—Advanced reflections (pp. 49-97). Ablex.

Rinaldi, C. (2006). In dialogue with Reggio Emilia: Listening, researching, and learning. Routledge.

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